The Forbidden Archive
Vampire Chronicles

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Members: 2719
Series: 5
Stories: 366
Chapters: 1208
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Poison by Black Winged MA
Daniel is slowly poisoning himself with drugs, alcohol and nicotine. Armand...

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Amadeo, the Son of Marius by Hannurdock T
Amadeo’s decent into Hell after listening to Lestat’s revelations...

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Of Bedknobs and Handcuffs by Addie MA
Lestat and Louis try to hide their relationship from the rest of the coven.


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Name: Celador (Signed) · Date: April 12, 2011 04:10 pm · For: Chapter 1
You do justice to both characters. I can't believe how much I love this story. /eager for more, more, more!/

Author's Response: Thank you so much! Also, your wish for more is granted. :)

Name: Laviniaspeaks (Signed) · Date: April 11, 2011 03:37 pm · For: Chapter 1
I truly love this exploration of Louis and Nicolas together. I'd never have thought of it--thank you for writing on it! This was wonderfully dark and scattered in a "House of Leaves" kind of way, with perfectly strong images. I would always love to see more!

Author's Response: Mmm, I LOVE House of Leaves! Thank you for your kind words. I'm planning to continue the Louis/Nicolas story until it's done, though probably still in bits and pieces, and it may take a while since there's another long project I'm getting started on... But yes, there will definitely be more of these guys.

Name: Witchy Tay (Signed) · Date: April 11, 2011 02:30 pm · For: Chapter 1
Please do continue this!!! I can hardly wait... it´s so sad!!! PLEASE!

Author's Response: There will be more... :) Glad you're enjoying it!

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